Audit and assurance update 2023 (Free Event)

Virtual Event Virtual Event

In this webinar, we will discuss significant pronouncements by the AASB (Auditing and Assurance Standards Board) and their implications for assurance practitioners. We will also provide action steps to help practitioners affected by current or soon-to-be effective changes to the assurance standards. These include significant changes to the Canadian Standards on Quality Control and Canadian […]

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: The Origin Story

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Course Description: Blockchain has been described as a transformative technology that will fundamentally change our relationships with third-party intermediaries, including banks, lawyers and accountants. Blockchain technology has the potential to be a significant disruptor in terms of how business transactions are initiated, authorized and recorded. The origin story of Blockchain is truly amazing and provides […]

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: The Origin Story

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Course Description: Blockchain has been described as a transformative technology that will fundamentally change our relationships with third-party intermediaries, including banks, lawyers and accountants. Blockchain technology has the potential to be a significant disruptor in terms of how business transactions are initiated, authorized and recorded. The origin story of Blockchain is truly amazing and provides […]