LIVE WEBINARCanadian Standard on Quality Management (CSQM 1 and 2) : Key changes | Price: Contact Us
In this webinar, we will examine the Canadian Standard on Quality Management (CSQM) 1 and CSQM 2, which will replace the Canadian Standard on Quality Control (CSQC 1).
CSQM 1 provides a new approach to quality management at the firm level, including guidance on a risk assessment process. The standard sets out what is needed in a firm’s quality control to manage the quality of engagements performed by the firm. CSQM 2 provides guidance on engagement quality reviews. Guidance for both quality management and engagement quality reviews are currently contained in CSQC 1.
The webinar will examine key differences between CSQM 1 and 2 compared to CSQC 1 to help firms prepare for the transition to the new quality management standards.
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