LIVE WEBINARIntroduction to Audit Data Analytics 2.0 Hours | Price: Contact us
In this webinar, we will examine how auditors traditionally see and use data analytics which includes summary statistics such as averages, means and standard deviation. However, data analytics are much more than summary statistics. The goal of this webinar is to help auditors move into a data analytics mindset.
The webinar will introduce audit data analytics (ADA) including data visualization techniques. The benefits of ADA can be realized in all phases of the audit process and for clients of all sizes. We will also discuss how the use of data analytics is being integrated into the Canadian Auditing Standards (CAS) such as the revised Canadian Audit Standards 315: Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement.

These events are very enjoyable and informative. Hoping for more very soon – great job!!
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