ON DEMANDThe Hybrid Work 10 CPD Hour Course Package | Price: $300 CAD (over $200 in savings)
Course package with 10 Hours of CPD focusing on hybrid teams and the hybrid workplace. Over $250 in Savings.
- The Great Resignation: Retention in a hybrid workplace (1.5hrs)
- Recruitment Strategy for Hybrid Workforces (1.5hrs)
- Succession Planning in the New Normal (1.0hr)
- Designing and delivering engaging virtual presentations (2.0hrs)
- De-stress for Sucess: The New Normal (2.0hrs)
- Leading and motivating hybrid teams: Keys to Success (2.5hrs)
Level: Introductory
Pre-requisites: None
Preparation: None
Delivery Method: On-demand
Study Field: Hybrid Teams
Study Field: Leadership
Study Field: Employee engagement
Access: 1 year
Review Date: 20240328
Price: $300 CAD (over $200 in savings)
An engaging approach to professional development